Sunday, January 28, 2024

Delpit, "The Silenced Dialogue" Reading

Lisa Delpit's argument in "The Silenced Dialogue"

The author Lisa Delpit argues that students of color struggle to receive the education that they deserve. The first aspect of power "Issues of power are enacted in the classroom" has to do with the power of the teacher over the students. A major problem that can happen in the classroom is treating each student differently because of their race or culture. The author explains "the students I have spoken of seem to be saying that the teacher has denied them access to herself as the source of knowledge necessary to learn the forms they need to succeed" (Delpit 32). As a teacher, it is your job to give all of your students equal access to all the help they need regardless of their race or culture. Being a teacher means that you have the power and authority to influence your students but it is important to use that power the right way. It is important to let your students have a voice while in the classroom because it benefits both the student and the teacher. In the reading the author shares the story of an accomplished caucasian teacher named Amanda Branscombe who worked with a group of students. "Amanda Branscombe, when she was working with black high school students classified as "slow learners," had the students analyze rap songs to discover their underlying patterns. The students became the experts in explaining to the teacher the rules for creating a new rap song. The teacher then used the patterns the students identified as a base to begin an explanation of the structure of grammar..." (Delpit 33). This teacher allowed her students to contribute which is a very important aspect of learning. In this situation, this teacher allowed for the students and herself to both be experts. As a future educator, it is important to stay aware of the way you handle the amount of power that you hold in a classroom. It is especially important to make sure that you treat each student equally and give them the education that they deserve to become successful. 

Reflection: Being a teacher is a whole lot of responsibility and it is important to make sure you maintain self awareness because it can have a drastic impact on students.


Sunday, January 21, 2024

Alan Johnson Reading

Alan Johnson's argument in Privilege, Power and Difference

In the reading "Privilege, Power and Difference," the author Alan Johnson argues that the way people perceive each other in a society has to do with gender, race, ethnic background and sexual orientation. We are often quick to make assumptions about people without getting to know who they really are as a person. This only degrades and hurts our society but unfortunately it is human nature. Alan Johnson talks about taking initiative and changing how we think. In the text Alan Johnson says, "for myself, it means I have to take the initiative to find out how privilege operates in the world, how it affects people, and what all that has to do with me" (Johnson 10). Change starts with you and how you decide to act in a society. Johnson talks about race and how we often associate privilege with the most dominant race, "caucasian." So, what exactly is privilege? It is when one group obtains something of value that is not made available to others because of the group they belong to. When people become aware that they are apart of a privileged group they become defensive or guilty about themselves because of the way that they are perceived by others. We put each other into categories when in reality it shouldn't matter. Anyone, regardless of race or gender can deal with oppression, poverty, or discrimination, we are all human beings. Johnson also talks about gender and how women often have to take more precautions than men when out in public, and how they are treated differently than men when it comes to the workplace, etc. This also has to do with privilege. We are often too quick to react to situations and don't take our actions or words into consideration which is why it is important to maintain social awareness.

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Kate's Introduction

Hi, my name is Kate! I am from Smithfield, RI and I am also a transfer student from Keene State. I am an elementary education major with a concentration in general science. When I'm not in class, I spend a lot of my time at the pool or with my family and friends. I have two dogs named Dayzee and Karma and two cats named Ozzie and Angel. I work part time at TJ Maxx as a cashier and hiking, skiing, and swimming are some of my favorite things to do! I enjoy the outdoors and traveling to different national parks.

I am on the Rhode Island College women's swim team. I started swimming when I was just a little girl and was on YMCA teams and I also swam throughout high school. 
I enjoy almost everything outdoors! The picture above is a picture of my family, my boyfriend and I white water wrafting on the Kennebec River in The Forks, Maine. 

Blog Post #11

3 Things That Stand Out to Me From This Semester! Shalaby, Troublemakers - This was a very interesting article to read and I found that it r...